Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(as presented by Mickey Bach, the cartoonist who defined words with related illustrations)
Click on the image name in this list that you would
like to see and the page where it is located will be presented.
Sometimes you will see more than one illustration for a word entry,
which is meant to provide you with a better understanding of the words.
"A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the idea that complex ideas can be conveyed with images or illustrations. If this is true, then you will be able to comprehend THOUSANDS of WORDS by clicking on the links in this index.

A reference to something that is beyond a person's control and is dependent on the will or pleasure of someone else; an insecure situation. (3)
A rule, an instruction, or a principle that guides a person's action or behavior. (1)
To make something impossible to achieve or to accomplish. (1)
Someone or something which precedes or indicates another action or event that is to come or to follow. (2)
An animal that kills and devours other creatures for food. (1)
Relating to animals that survive by preying on other animals for food; people who make a living by taking advantage of others or even robbing them of their finances. (4)
An unpleasant, dangerous, or ridiculous situation. (1)
A person who affirms, preaches, or proclaims, as characterized by a preacher. (1)
To cause or to convince someone to have a favorable attitude about a situation in advance. (1)
To replace someone or something; to take some action that makes the plans or actions of others insignificant or not important. (1)
A reference to something or someone who is special or highly favored above or more than other things or people. (1)
Relating to grabbing, seizing, or holding something by wrapping around it. (1)
More than the normal limits of weight, force, importance, or influence. (1)
Characteristic of being greater in force or weight than someone else. (1)
Characteristic of presenting an impression that pleases or which attracts others and provides confidence that someone is an exceptional person. (3)
For special Christmas and
New Year's Mickey Bach images, go to this
Holiday Greetings; 2012 to 2013 unit.
The cartoons are NOT intended to be disrespectful to any one,
neither in the past nor in the present!
The only reason the images are shown is to provide another way to see
the words that are presented from a different perspective
. . . with a touch of humor!
This page has more information about the
Mickey Bach Word a Day Illustrations
presented on the getwords.com and wordinfo.info sites.

For comments or suggestions, contact us at words@getwords.com