Words of French origin
(Many words from French are used in English)
2. Primarily British, a hospital for orphaned infants; a foundling hospital: Merna's aunt worked as a housekeeper at the famous crèche for orphaned children after the war.
3. Chiefly British, a day care center; a place where young children are cared for during the day while their parents are working: Katherine learned many delightful songs and games when she attended the local crèche.
4. In biology, a group of young birds, animals, etc. that stay together for protection; especially, among birds, a gathering of the young of several families, tended by one or more adults; such as, ducks, geese, etc.: The fox crèche which included about six fox babies was watched over by the vixen or mother fox.
5. Etymology: from French for "crib", a day nursery provided by the state, a local government, or by private institutions which enables mothers to work while their babies are cared for by others.
A crèche, or communal nursery
Even the crèche, which is the social core of every pride of lions, is shaped by violence. This was verified after scrutinizing groups of nursing mothers for countless hours.
A lactating female nursed another's young rarely, usually after an unrelated cub sneaked onto her nipple. An alert lioness reserved her milk for her own offspring.
In contrast to the widespread belief that crèches were maternal "day-care centers", it was observed that nursing mothers stick together primarily for defense.
During takeovers by outside males, solitary females lost litter after litter, while cooperating lionesses stood a better chance of protecting their cubs and fending off males, each of which can outweigh a female by as much as fifty percent.
2. A soft, wrinkly surfaced sole of a shoe, often used to prevent slipping when walking: The bottoms of Greg's shoes were made of crepe which gave him assurance against falling.
3. A woven fabric with an uneven surface: Years ago, many people wore a band of crepe on their arms to indicate that they were in mourning for the death of a close friend or family member.

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The audience was often puzzled by the detours Mr. Hathaway made in his talk on infrastructure.
George heard entre nous that Sam and Alice were getting married the following week.

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2. The introduction to or access to a social group: Viola had an entree to the upper society because her fiancé was the son of a major investor in the company.

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2. A practical joke, lark, or trick which is lighthearted or carefree: After school, Jack told his friend of the escapade he played on his sister by hiding the photo of her boyfriend.