cate family of verbs
(words that end with cate and are pronounced KAYT)
The etymology of cate does not come from Latin or Greek, or from any other language, because it is always a part of other word roots or stems and does not exist by itself . . . except in this unit.
Whenever you see a cate entry in this list that is in bold blue and underlined, click on it and more information will appear so you can increase your understanding of each word.
If you want to return to the cate list, click on the page number that is shown at the end of the cate link; for example:
This entry is located in the following unit: cate family of verbs (page 4).
quadruplicate (kwah DROO pli kayt", kwah DROOP li kayt")
Here is a cate, that explains how many times something is duplicated or multiplied.
radicate (RAD i kayt")
This cate provides some understanding about how this term applies to "roots" and "long-term memories".
reallocate (ri AL uh kayt")
Now cate is providing an explanation about making decisions to change using somethings that are going on now for different purposes or objectives in the future.
reciprocate (ri SIP ruh kayt")
This time, cate is presenting examples of doing something in return for what has been done to an individual by another one.
rededicate (ri DED i kayt")
In this rendition, cate is providing additional explanations for the repetition of devoting something for special objectives or purposes.
reduplicate (ri DOO pluh kayt", ri DYOO pluh kayt")
This time cate is providing some information about repeating the printing of copies of documents which were done before.
relocate (ree LOH kayt")
Now cate makes an effort to clarify why a person wants to leave one place and go to another one.
replicate (REP li kayt")
This time cate is giving information about repeating, reproducing, or recopying something again.
rubricate (ROO bri kayt")
This cate is clarifying the decorating of things and/or preparing them for printing.
rusticate (RUHS ti kayt")
This cate will explain some aspects regarding country life.
sonicate (SAHN ni kayt")
Here is a cate that indicates the use of high-frequency sound waves for a variety of purposes.
sophisticate (suh FIS ti kayt")
Now cate will present
information about causing people to become more advanced and self-confident in their thinking about the world and not to be easily deceived by others.
suffocate (SUHF uh kayt")
Here is a cate that provides information about people being deprived of air or something that prevents him or her from being able to breathe.
supplicate (SUHP li kayt")
This time cate clarifies what people often do when they are pleading, or beseeching, someone to help them to accomplish or to achieve a desired objective.
syllabicate (SIL uh bi kayt")
This cate will tell you how to divide words into separate understandable elements.