English Words in Action, Group R
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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Sometimes, the term rabble is used as an insulting term for "common people".
2. A passionate speaker or orator who capitalizes on the emotions and prejudices of a group of people: Trina, the president of the student body, was considered a rabble-rouser by the administration who feared she would incite student marches.
A master at making rabble-rousing an art form
Michael Moore was considered to be an abrasive filmmaker who staged a frontal assault on the free-enterprise system in one of his films.
Moore's recent film entry this year is "not a sortie against a particular industry. It is a frontal assault on the very idea of American free enterprise; a beast," he called it in a rabble-rousing speech to an audience in Toronto, Canada.
Moore has come out with a film that concludes that capitalism is evil. American liberals have classified him as an "egomaniac, glutton, exploiter, embarrassment, and slob". The derogatory terms applicable to Moore by others was not mentioned.
In the last few years, his personal mood is said to have wavered between what he called "passive despair and outright anger".

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2. A group, or groups, of people who share the same history, language, culture, etc.: The group of people were members of a race who were isolated in the jungle beyond the mountains and just recently discovered.
3. A competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc., to see which one is the fastest: Victor spent several hours watching the car race.
It rained very hard during the marathon race today.
Sharon became a candidate for the senatorial race in her state.
2. To go, to move, or to function at a very fast speed: Fern's heart was racing because of the speeding car that almost ran into her own car.
3. To try to do something very quickly because there is not much time left to finish it: Jennifer was racing against the clock to be sure that her class assignment was handed in on time.
Patricia and Alisa overslept and so they had to race like mad to get to school on time and avoid being tardy.
2. Pertaining to the issues between different genetic or geographical backgrounds or heritages: The two minority groups were striving to achieve racial equality.
2. A belief held by some individuals that particular groups of people are better than others: Racism was the basis of apartheid in South Africa.
2. Those who believe that some people, who have certain genetic qualities and abilities, are either inherently superior or inferior to those of other groups: Earl was accused of being a racist because of the comments he made in public and during private conversations.
2. Being discriminatory; especially, on the basis of genetics and physical characteristics or religion: The two religious groups were in serious conflict with each other because of their racist beliefs.

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2. A bar that is secured in such a way that items may be hung from it: Jeremy hung the curtains from the rails in the bedroom.
3. The bars of steel that form train tracks: As a result of the extreme snow and ice, the train swerved off the rails.
Workers were putting new rails on the train track.
2. To express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language: Too many "talk-show hosts" rant and rail to an excessive amount of time against those who have different political views than the TV moderators do.
The workers were railing about the unfair treatment they had received from their employer.
3. Normally to use metal bars to create a barrier around or at the edge of something: The city railed off the pedestrian walk on the bridge going across the river.The workers are in the process of railing off the sides of the balconies of the high-rise apartment.

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2. A barrier consisting of horizontal bars and supports: Workers were employed to build a fencelike barrier composed of horizontal rails or bars supported by widely spaced uprights to protect Jim's home from intruders.
3. Angry complaints, verbal objections, or bitter criticisms made in harsh or abusive language: As long as congressional members keep hurling railings against each other, is there a chance that they will actually be able to come up with solutions for our nation's problems?
Some citizens feel that there is just too much ranting and railing going on in the political meetings that are going on around the country.
Now the Right-wing and the Left-wing radio hosts are calling on their party followers to attack the Town-Hall meetings of their opponents with railings or loud bombastic and vehement oratory expressed with strong emotions.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
2. To take a course with many turns or windings, as a stream or path: The trail seemed to ramble over the hills and along the stream.
3. To grow in a random, unsystematic fashion: The vine rambled over the walls and tree trunks.
4. To talk or to write in an irrelevant, aimless way: The speaker rambled on with one anecdote or humorous incident after another one.
5. To walk aimlessly or idly over or through a geographical area: Bryan spent the spring afternoon rambling on the woodland paths.
6. To go for walks without a definite purpose that are taken merely for pleasure: When Lucinda and Kevin go on their holidays, they like to ramble across the countryside making discoveries as they meander around.
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