Ocean and Deep Sea Terms
(the study of the deep seas or oceans involves the abyss or the "deep seas" which cover almost two-thirds of the earth's surface; showing applicable scientific terminology in this unit)
2. The tide raised on the earth when the sun and moon are in positions forming a right angle at the earth's center.
The two pulls (sun and moon) largely cancel each other out, resulting in an extra low high tide and an extra high low tide.
2. Etymology: from Greek oligo, "few", and trophe, "nourishment".
The age of a fish is commonly estimated by counting the rings laid down annually in the otolith, much as the age of a tree is determined by counting the rings across its trunk.
Although the surrounding waters are laden with metals that would be lethal to humans, they do not seem to bother the worms.
They form colonies that resemble impregnable bushes, but they don't seem to repel the gastropods and scale worms seem to be dusted with organic and mineral particles.
2. Relating to the ocean or the open sea: Pelagic habitats differ depending on the water depth in the aquatic areas.
3. Etymology: from Greek pelagikos, from pelagos, "the sea".

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The lower limit of this zone depends on the particles in suspension in the water. In the open sea, it typically extends down to about 200 meters (656 feet).
Within the hierarchy of taxonomic classification, a phylum is situated between kingdom and class.
Many of them are microscopic algae and diatoms (unicellular organisms) that photosynthesize, producing the first level in the ocean's food chain.
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