Astronomy and related astronomical terms
(the science of the celestial bodies: the sun, the moon, and the planets; the stars and galaxies; and all of the other objects in the universe)
As he raised his cup,
"Thank heavens my business
Is looking up."

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It is the tenth brightest star in the night sky, although its brightness varies. It is over 10,000 times as luminous as the sun, and lies 650 light-years from earth.
Light takes 60 minutes to travel across the giant star.
Very easy to mechanize, it is becoming more popular in combination with computer control systems, which can alter the altitude and azimuth angles to follow the path of a star as it rises and sets.
2. The angular distance; usually measured in degrees, above the horizon, from zero degrees at the horizon to 90 degrees at the zenith.
One of the two co-ordinates (the other being azimuth) that define a celestial object's position, used with an altazimuth mount.
Its importance lies in the fact that a body with a large angular momentum needs a considerable force (torque) to slow or to stop its rotation.
2. The type of eclipse seen when the moon is too far from the earth at the time of a solar eclipse to completely cover the sun's disk.
The result is a bright ring, or annulus, of light encircling the moon.
If combined, matter and antimatter would explode.
For a refractor telescope, it is the diameter of the objective lens, and for a reflecting telescope, it is the diameter of the primary mirror.
2. A point on the earth's elliptical orbit at which the sun is farthest from the earth.
2. The brightness of a star as seen from the earth.
3. A measure of the brightness of stars as they appear on the celestial sphere.
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