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goad (verb), goads; goaded; goading
1. To urge or to force someone to do something: Andre was goaded on to complete his military assignment as a sense of duty.
2. Etymology: from Old English gad of Germanic origin, "spearhead" or a "spiked or sharp pointed stick which was used to drive cattle, sheep, etc.; however, people can be poked or provoked into doing something with words, too; for example, a parent can goad a child into washing his or her hands before coming to the dinner table.

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2. Etymology: from Old English gad of Germanic origin, "spearhead" or a "spiked or sharp pointed stick which was used to drive cattle, sheep, etc.; however, people can be poked or provoked into doing something with words, too; for example, a parent can goad a child into washing his or her hands before coming to the dinner table.

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This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group G
(page 3)
To impel or to insist that a person to do something or to strongly urge him or her to continue striving to achieve an objective. (1)
This entry is located in the following unit:
Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(page 40)