English Words in Action, Group B
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. Etymology: an inflammatory term that is a blending of the words "biologist" and "prostitute".
The old horse has bitten the dust and will have to be buried in the field.
2. A person who talks excessively and who is a tattletale or revealer of secrets: If it hadn't been for Sharon, the big blabbermouth, the principal of their school would never have known that Jim and Mike had skipped school and gone to a movie.

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2. Talk or writing that is inane or boring: Emily wrote an essay that discussed the concept of blah-blah when used during television commercials.
3. A condition of feeling bored, restless, and listless: Melanie said she has had the blahs the whole day.
4. Etymology: the concept of "idle, meaningless talk" is said to be from about 1918, probably echoic; and the adjective, "bland, dull" might have been influenced by French blasé, "bored, indifferent".
Blah may be used behind a person's back to suggest that he or she talks too much or that such talking is about useless topics with no valid reasons.
2. To suddenly become pale or to turn white: Sam's face blanched at the mention of Shirley's name.
Quentin's face blanched in terror when he suddenly heard the big dog barking at him from behind the fence next to the sidewalk.
3. To grow vegetables, especially celery and endive, in unilluminated conditions in order to whiten the stems and to improve their flavor: The farmer renovated the barn in order to have a darkened area necessary to blanch the crops he had growing there.
4. Etymology: from about 1398, which came from Old French blanchir, "to whiten"; from blanc, "white".
Originally "to remove the hull of (almonds, etc.) by soaking". The sense of "to turn white" is from about 1768.
The store clerk's blanched face indicated her shock when the store owner accused her of stealing money from the cash box.
2. Plants that have been developed without chlorophyll by being deprived of light: Matt is growing blanched celery so the vegetable looks more appealing.No matter how much Elliott blandished his boss, there was no chance of his getting a pay increase.
Adolfo and Irene blandished the doorman into letting them into the museum before the normal opening time.

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2. A flattering inducement or persuasion to get someone to do something: Most of the time, Salina's sweet blandishments made it possible to get her son to make the right decisions.

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2. An segment of time that a person can't remember what happened: Tena said that her mind was a blank about what happened after she had fallen down the stairs.
3. A cartridge used in a gun that is filled with powder but which does not contain a bullet: The actors were firing blanks at each other during the production of the western film.
2. Pertaining to something that has empty spaces which are to be filled in with information: Tyson saw blank lines on the application that he had to fill in.
3. A reference to something that does not have any recorded sound or information: Devon used the blank CD to record some of his favorite musical presentations.
2. To completely cause something to be forgotten: The auto accident blanked out any recollection of what happened to her on that day.
2. Disagreeably loud or boisterous; offensively noisy; clamorous: During the party next door, they were so blatant as they played their music that the neighbors could not even listen to their TV programs nor go to sleep when they went to bed.
The crowd behaved in such a blatant manner that the parade organizers were concerned they could be accused of violating the parade permit which they had obtained.

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The author of the book had blatantly copied much of her text from other published books without giving any credits or acknowledgements.
Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.
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