English Words in Action, Group B
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. Relating to harsh sounding; such as, if someone were hitting something made of brass: A person who is brazen is described as being overly loud, harsh, and offensive.
3. Descriptive of something made of brass, or resembling it; especially, in color or hardness: A brazen statue of a soldier was seen in the city square.
Lenora was considered a brazen hussy because she had a brazen voice and hung around with a tough gang who all wore wide belts with brazen buckles.

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A bridge is also a natural structure resembling a bridge; especially, an arch-like rock formation which spans a ravine.
2. Something which provides a link, a connection, or a means of coming together: His research serves as a bridge between the past and the present.They hope to build a bridge between the two cultures with the hope that they will be able to understand each other better.
3. The platform or room on a ship or other vessel from which the captain controls its course; so named because on early steamers it had the form of a span between the paddlewheel boxes: The captain went to the ship's bridge to make sure the navigating procedures were being followed.4. A set of one or more false teeth that are attached to adjoining teeth: The dental bridge can be permanently anchored to natural teeth as a fixed bridge, or set into a metal appliance and temporarily clipped on to natural teeth as a removable bridge.
5. The top bony part of the nose between the eyes: The bridge of the nose is the area where a pair of eyeglasses that connects the two lenses together is at the front and rests on the nose.
6. A part of a stringed instrument that keeps the strings away from its body: This bridge is high and curved on a violin but shallow and straight on a guitar.
7. A transitional or connecting section in a musical work: A musical bridge is the movement between a verse and the chorus or that which connects one section to the next section.
8. A long-handled support for a player's cue in billiards: The player used his hand as a bridge for the cue during the billiard game.
9. In electrical engineering, a part of an electrical circuit fitted with a device that measures electrical resistance or capacitance: The engineer installed the bridge in order to make sure the entire electrical system was safe.
10. An online telecommunications connection: They had a telecommunications bridge between the two-local area networks.
2. To create a means of communication or understanding between people or a means of reconciling their differences: The local leaders hope to bridge the divisions between the political groups.
Bernhart wrote a book that attempts to bridge the generation gaps.
2. Short stiff hairs or hairlike structures on animals or plants; or a mass of short stiff hairs growing; especially, on a hog's back or on a man's face: The fancy kitchen supply store sold brushes made of hog’s bristle.
The man's wife would not kiss him because the bristles on his face irritated the skin of her mouth and face.
Electricity can make a person's hair bristle and become stiff.
2. To cause the hair on the back of an animal to go up or to rise: The cat bristled when it saw a dog coming toward it.3. To react in an angry or offended manner: The author of the book bristled when someone suggested that he plagiarized some of the content.
The actress bristled at the criticism presented in newspaper articles.
4. To abound with sharp stiff thorns or sticks: The path bristled with the thorns of many bushes which caught onto the clothes of the people as they went for their walk.2. Thick with prickly or thorny leaves; such as, hairy-like leaves: Some bristly plants can cause irritation to the skins of people who have direct contact with them.
3. Showing or tending to show agitation, indignation, or anger: During the court trial, there was a bristly exchange of words between the lawyers.
2. To bring up or to introduce: The committee wanted to broach a special subject for discussion.
Timothy wanted to broach a new topic for the discussion.
3. To suggest or to propose something: Will and Elaina are broaching their plans for celebrating their wedding anniversary next week.
4. To open by making a hole: Joel tried to broach a cask of wine.
Sylvia's special friend, Pedro, wanted to broach the idea of giving her an ornamental necklace for her birthday which he made by using a broach to pierce the soft gold in a decorative pattern.

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2. A comment or statement that is meant to make another person feel happier or calmer, but which is not original or effective: The politician's speech had nothing more to offer than the usual bromides about how everyone should work together to improve the economy.

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