English Words in Action, Group B
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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2. Regarding something which conveys no encouragement and is depressing:: There was a bleak prospect that Jane would accept Richard's proposal of marriage.
3. Characterizing the weather as being very cold and miserable: A bleak wind was blowing from the north causing a freezing condition in the area.

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2. To utter a sound similar to this cry; especially, to complain about something in a weak voice or in an annoying way: "I want to go, too", the little girl bleated.
A member of the staff accused the labor union of always bleating about the company's wage scale.
The mother told her father that her son bleated too much. When he asked her what she meant, she explained that her little boy complained, showed discontent, and displeasure too often.
The family ate a blend of eggs, cheese, and ham for breakfast.
2. To mix things thoroughly and usually with good results: Salina often blended fresh fruit and yogurt together for an afternoon snack.
3. To exist together as a combination: Two or more words are blended together to create the word “portmanteau”.
One example of a portmanteau is when "slang and language" are blended into "slanguage".
2. Illustrative of something that is made by mixing substances together: Blaine and Cherly drank blended fruit juices with their lunch.
2. To request God to care for and to protect someone or something: The priest is blessing the little baby Elouise is holding her arms.
3. To provide a place or people with something good or desirable: God has blessed the family with good health, adequate living conditions, and friends who are willing to help them when it is needed.
2. Help and favorable regard from God: Ethan asked the Lord's blessing on the project that would help students around the world to understand English words more easily.
Frank was ready to scold Sally for being late for their meeting; however, her blithe spirit somehow made him forget all about doing that.
2. A reference to showing a lack of concern or care; unconscious, uncaring: A blithe person is not bothered about petty worries, burdens, or problems.Jim told his son not to act with such a blithe disregard for his sister whenever they play together out in their backyard.

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A person who conveys blithering behavior is prone to discuss meaningless issues for extended periods of time.

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2. Someone who is regarded as being very stupid or a fool: When Martin had to rush back home to get his homework before catching his bus to school, his mother said: "Don't be such a blockhead, think about it before you leave the house!"

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Links to all of the groups of English words in action, Groups A to Z.
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